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Church Security Training

At Perigon Defense Academy, we understand the paramount importance of ensuring a secure and serene environment for worship. Our Church Security Training program seamlessly integrates the principles of Krav Maga, a highly effective self-defense system, with a focus on safeguarding your congregation and sacred space.

Why Choose Perigon Defense Academy?

Expert Instructors

Our seasoned Krav Maga instructors excel in adapting this self-defense system

to the unique security needs of a church setting.

Comprehensive Training

Acquire practical and effective techniques to respond to potential threats,

encompassing both unarmed and armed scenarios.

Tailored Solutions

Customized training programs to address the specific security concerns

of your church, ensuring relevance and practical applicability.

Community Building

Foster a sense of unity and collaboration within your congregation through

group training sessions that promote teamwork and solidarity.

Key Training Components

Threat Recognition

Identify potential security risks and develop heightened situational awareness.

Understand the psychology of potential threats within the unique context of a church environment.


Conflict Resolution

Learn de-escalation techniques to peacefully resolve conflicts.

Develop effective communication skills to defuse tense situations.


Physical Defense

Master Krav Maga techniques for self-defense and protection.

Engage in practical drills to enhance muscle memory and response times.


Emergency Preparedness

Develop and implement emergency response plans tailored to your church.

Participate in realistic scenarios to simulate and practice responses.



Who Should Attend?

Security Teams

Equip your security team with the skills needed to effectively

protect the congregation.


Church Staff and Volunteers

Provide essential knowledge to anyone involved in church activities,

enhancing overall safety.


Community Leaders

Extend the training to community leaders to create a safer neighborhood

and foster positive relationships.

Ready to elevate the security of your church community?

Reach out to Perigon Defense Academy for more information

or to schedule a training session.


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